Gather & Automate
Source agnostic
Source agnostic

Data fetched from any reported source

All Formats
All formats

Proprietary technology consumes disparate data sets reported in all formats

Automatic Processing
Automatic processing

Data automation pipeline creates a time series of every number

Standardize & Aggregate
Homogenous data
Homogenous data

All reported investment data is standardized into a consistent and comparable format

Transformative Classification
Transformative classifications

Adaptable classification system is tailored to suit your investment process

Instant Access
Instant access

Reported data is delivered to you instantaneously

One Platform
Consumable Insights
Consumable insights

Software and expertise transform complex unstructured data into insights

Real time updates
Real-time updates

Updates are published as soon as new data is made available by fund managers

Single Souce of truth
Single source of truth

Dependable data across your Hedge Fund, Venture, Growth, Buyout, Real Estate, Private Debt and Infrastructure funds

  • Standardized performance & transparency data on all invested funds
  • Collection of reports on your behalf direct from investor portals
  • Data linked back to the source in all reports
  • Complete & deduplicated security master of underlying private assets 
  • Collection of asset class-specific Operating Metrics, KPIs and commentary
  • Harmonious look-through risk exposure data across your total Alts allocation
  • API to feed downstream data warehouses, reporting tools and analytics platforms
  • Excel Add-In to automate your proprietary models and dashboards
  • Integration into your existing workflows

Time to see it in action

A single source of truth for your investment data in public and private funds.

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Allocator’s coverage of our funds was strong, and they quickly got us up and running with the rest of our funds. We now receive our data onto the platform and into our analytics programmes efficiently. With the data management taken care of, we can focus on the analysis and investing. We recommend Allocator to other investment firms facing the same fund data management hurdles.
- Nikko Global Wrap, Tokyo
The Allocator team have worked closely with us since 2016. They have helped us to ensure that we always have the latest fund data piping into our systems using the Allocator API. The data is used across the team and has been easy to integrate, providing exposure metrics in a timely manner.
- Antarctica Asset Management, London
We began working with Allocator in early 2015 and have onboarded a number of our funds. We have regular contact with the Allocator team and find them very responsive to our requests. We appreciate using the platform and have found it particularly helpful and informative in analyzing our portfolios. It gives us an enormous amount of visibility on our portfolios on an aggregated basis and is very useful in terms of breaking down exposures and performance attribution which other systems are unable to provide.
- NS Partners, Geneva
We have been using Allocator to monitor our invested funds, model portfolios and research funds since 2015. The Allocator team have been responsive to our analytics needs and the platform continues to significantly evolve.
- Goldrock Capital, Israel
We partnered with Allocator as their interface is very intuitive and cost-effective with dynamic charting. Their one-stop-shop solution responds to our analytics needs as it standardizes and digitizes all of our data. This enables us to get quick insights into potential risks and exposures. We also benefit from Allocator’s bespoke and easy-to-produce monthly and quarterly reports.
- Kruger Inc.
Allocator is the bedrock of our fund and portfolio monitoring. The platform’s intuitive tools are used across the team, allowing us to model theoretical portfolios. The Allocator team is helpful, and responsive to our needs and suggestions.
- Pragma Wealth Management, London
We began to use Allocator in early 2018. As we discovered the power of the depth of the platform, we began to use it extensively. The flexible delivery mechanism allows us to capture our investment universe and the opportunity to have access to similar funds to create peer groups. Allocator’s one platform automates data aggregation processes by consolidating all of our investment data, thus enabling us to focus on driving returns and managing the exposures and less on data management.
- Omega Capital, Madrid
We use Allocators Virtual Data Room to provide our investors with up-to-date data on their investments. The platform allows our end investors to use the software and analytics to analyze and monitor their holdings which streamlines our administrative processes. Our rich library of videos and documents are also available in the data room which makes it an easy one-stop-shop for our investors to receive our latest updates and information as well as archived information from the past. Artemis investors have commented on how much they like tapping into and manipulating the data and information 24/7.
- Artemis Capital Advisers, Austin
Allocator's data management and software solution allow us to navigate around our invested funds and this flexibility enables us to monitor our fund data and portfolios in a timely manner. The platform allows our team to create custom scorecards which is useful to highlight funds that pass our investment criteria. The team at Allocator have been open to building new features to enhance the platform to accommodate our needs and the data quality is of a high standard. We have found the platform to be intuitive with very little need for external training.
- Argus Advisors, New York

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